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How to become a Content Creator

How to become a Content Creator

Times are fast changing, and the new generation is shutting down the idea of conventional careers of 9 to 5 Monday to Friday. The new generation is filled with people who prefer being social media creators or rather influencers who work for themselves and are their own bosses.

Content creation has become one of the most popular career paths in the world as social media makes it easy for anyone to be one, and now academic qualifications are required for this type of job. This article’s sole purpose is to give a quick guide on how one can venture into a career of content creation.

1) Find your ‘WHY’

Setting an overarching goal will help you get clear on your audience, content, and more. On top of that, it’s a useful north star to revisit when you need some motivation to stick to your plan.Once you answer the ‘WHY’ question, it means you are clear on what you want to do and the reason behind. Write down the main reason why you’d like to be a content creator/ social media creator. There’s nothing as painful as finding yourself stuck in a career that you don’t like and are just doing it for the money without real gusto for it.

Also learn: How To Write A CV that will get you a Job

2) Choose your niche

There are over one hundred thousand people who are or have tried being content creators, and most of them have failed. Why is that so? Because most of the time, people want to be content creators without properly planning, which Niche they will get into. Consider this as your ‘sweet spot’ what sets you apart? Your niche could be comedy, dating advice, finance, politics, etc. This is what will determine how far you go in this flooded career path.

According to social media strategist Lindsey Gamble, the key is picking a topic you can talk about day after day without wanting to throw your phone out the window.”While some topics may have broader appeal or better reach, I’d focus on one or two that I’m passionate about and can consistently develop content for,” he explains. “Consistency is key to content creation, and choosing a topic you know or love helps prevent burnout and keeps you motivated.”

3) Know Your audience

The worst nightmare for every creator is not getting love from their targeted audience. It’s key that you need to know the kind of people you re creating content for. You need to connect with them. If you’re creating for a South African audience, don’t act as if you’re creating for people in Englad because this will bring a disconnect between you and your targeted audience.

4) Know Your StrengthsIt’s very much important to know your strength.

You might not be good being in front of the camera, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a content creator. If you’re gifted in blogging, well, just like me, then you can be a blogger. If you’re a good camera person, all you need to do is play around with your camera. Remember, content is not limited to vlogs only. You can do picture content. I know of a Zambian lady who has thrived by doing picture stories, and they are pretty funny.

All she does is wake up think of a story then tell it in form of 10 to 15 pictures of herself with out sound, this art is know as mimicking, in short she creates memes of herself.

5) Choose your platforms wisely

I’ve seen so many creators who got famous on Facebook but flopped on YouTube. Some are big on Tik Tok but insignificantly small on Facebook and Instagram. Just because you have an audience on Twitter that won’t translate to snapchat or Twitch. You need to know exactly where your audience comes from and stick to it. I can tell you of a Zimbabwean couple that’s making waves on Facebook with over 1.2 million followers on the platform but have less than 6000 followers on Instagram. It is important to know which platform your content will thrive on. If you want to do short videos, then Tik Tok and Facebook might be your strong holds. If you’re into long lengthy videos, then you should strongly consider YouTube.

Well, for today, I think that’s all I have to unpack. However, I will bring the second part of this article on our next publication. All the best.


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